When there is energy within the network, everything becomes possible. In the book 'Energising Networks' the concept of energy that we experience in our relations with others is explainend on a scientific basis. It also offers methods and tools to guide and steer our everyday practices based on that notion of energy.   








Living Network…


Living Networks

Networks can be understood as living organisms, which can be healthy or sick. This metaphor sheds light on how big and small initiatives are interconnected, and also underlines the need for sustainability.


The FAN Approach


De FAN Approach for networks

Practical tools offer insights into network patterns, and the language to talk about what matters. Sharpen your intuition; it’s the best tool you have.


“Where there is energy, everything is possible!”


‘'If there is energy, anything becomes possible'

The FAN Approach evolved from extensive research and practical work. The tools have been in use and evolving ever since.