FAN Approach
FAN stands for Free Actors in Networks. The idea behind it is that for a network to function well, especially during a process of change, there needs to be at least one “free actor”. The FAN Approach emphasises seemingly abstract qualities, such as energy, connection, and communication, and makes them visible.
Networks: What's So Different?
Origins of the FAN Approach
Wielinga, H.E., Zaalmink, B.W., Bergevoet, R.H.M., Geerling-Eiff, F.A., Holster, H., Hoogerwerf, L., Vrolijk, M. (2007): Networks with Free Actors: encouraging sustainable innovations in animal husbandry by using the FAN approach (Free Actors in Networks). Wageningen University and Research.
Blue Column
The structured, rational and planned way of inducing change or organising things; establishing goals and measurable targets, necessary tools and skills.
The Blue Column contrasts and complements the Red Column, which focuses on people, ambitions, energy and connection.
Networks: What's So Different?
Red Column
The process of change, with people placed at the start. When people connect, energy is generated to get things moving. Shared ambition is the result of a good process in the Red Column, rather than the start. The FAN approach provides tools for the Red Column, focusing on people, ambitions, energy and connection.
It contrasts and complements the Blue Column, which focuses on structure and planning.
Networks: What's So Different?